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Isabelle Cornish


It is not primarily our physical selves that limit us but rather our mindset about our physical limits. ― Ellen J. Langer, Positive...

It's not about the food
In society, many women and men struggle with unwanted eating habits. Each year we bring out new electronics and human-made devices we...

Powerful Strategies To Help Pull Yourself Out Of A Rut
Do you feel stuck? Like your floating in the ocean with no way out? Trust me I am familiar with being stuck in a negative cyclone and I...

Journalling as a mindful practice
Journal Habit -Andie Leslie. Creating a journal entry once a week or every few days is an enriching practice, although writing everyday...

Books & Podcasts
Im a big fan of podcasts, they enable me to keep up to date with new research, ways of thinking and provide me with a platform to learn...

Creating a healthy daily routine
I recently re-located to a small town outside of Byron Bay. Moving to this part of Australia has brought me many perks, each day I am...

When everything falls apart...
When everything falls apart, we are forced to stop. These moments are when we can become off balance and out of flow, forced to face...

Time To Retreat
To do: Slow down, do less, breathe more, be barefoot, sit in stillness, listen to nature, feel, dream, manifest and love. We have just...

The Balance Of The Down Days
There are the days when everything is easy. Life flows effortlessly like water. Then there are the days when an emptiness simmers under...

Harvesting The Full Moon Magic
Today marks a full moon, Mercury retrograde in LEO and a Total lunar eclipse! Wow, yes the energy your feeling is real. Early this...

6 Fast Ways To Relieve Stress & Anxiety
I believe anxiety is a symptom that comes when we lose presence. Stress and anxiety occur when we are not 'in the moment' but caught...

Time To SLOW Down
Slow, not fast. Here not there. These are the days that will never come again. Live in them. Be here now. Meditate don't procrastinate....

3 Simple Ways To Start Journalling Today
3 Simple Ways To Start Journalling Today Do you ever feel a need to express yourself through writing but are scared to start? Fear no...

Dear Mother Nature, Thank you for guiding me when my soul feels lost. I love your mornings draped in fog and beams of sunlight I cant...

Are you sick of trying to be PERFECT?
First of all ....Nobody Is Perfect The quest for perfectionism is a dark winding road. It leaves us disappointed time after time. I sit...
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