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Creamy Coconut & Berry Crack

Keto, Vegan, Paleo, Sugar free


In celebration of the 'Keto krack' featured on the blog, this recipe is his new best friend. These bars are creamy, crunchy, sweet and tangy...AKA damn delicious!!

I wanted to create a version of the 'Keto Krack' that was shelf stable. You can pack these bars for work or school and they wont melt. I love to take them on my long shoot days or for a mid flight snack.

Raw cacao butter is incredible food it is the natural fat from the chocolate bean. Healthy fats stabilise blood sugar and help beat sugar cravings. If I opt for a sugar-free high fat snack between meals I never get those nasty sugar cravings.

This recipe makes a huge batch, and you don't need much because they are satisfying and delicious. I made just over 30 small bars. Store them in the fridge or freezer to keep them extra fresh.

I like to shop at the bulk food store. All ingredients (except erythritol) can be purchased in bulk. If you wish to make this recipe ZERO WASTE swap the 'erythritol' for 'xylitol'. purchased from the bulk store. If you use different ingredients I cant guarantee they will be 'keto'.

What is xylitol? A zero impact sugar alcohol. similar sweetness to sugar with 40% less calories. (keep away from your pets, dogs and cats are allergic)

What is erythritol? It is a naturally derived sugar alcohol with nearly 0 calories. Erythritol is my favourite keto sweetner.

Creamy Coconut & Berry Crack


  • 2 tbsp coconut milk powder

  • 1/4 cup protein powder (optional) i used half vanilla and half berry (prana protein)

  • 1+1/4 cups or 200g of raw cacao butter

  • 1/4 cup + 1tbs erythritol** see note below

  • 1/4 tsp sea salt

  • 1 tsp vanilla

  • 1/2 cup tahini

  • 1 cup of coconut flakes

  • 1 cup of hazelnuts , almonds, seeds or 'paleo protein mix'

  • 1/2 cup of dried unsweetened raspberries, cranberry’s or blueberries


  1. In a small saucepan on a low heat melt cacao butter. Stir the butter until melted, then add tahini and stir together. Once combined, add your sea salt, sweetener, protein, coconut milk powder and mix well until no clumps are left.

  2. Turn off the heat and fold through your coconut, nuts and seeds.

  3. Pour into a lined or greased slice tin and place into the freezer for 3+ hours to set. Once set slice into bars and store in airtight containers in your fridge or freezer.

These bars are shelf stable. They will last packed in your lunch box or stored in a pantry but don't leave them in ay temperature over 34 degrees celsius.


I can't guarantee the sweetness ratio when using different sweetener, so I suggest adding your sweeter part by part and then test trying it. Keep adding it till you have reached your desired sweetness. I made this recipe one time with the monk fruit/stevia sweetner blend and it was great!

If you don't have protein powder I suggest adding extra coconut milk powder for creaminess!

I purchase erythritol from the health food store.

The paleo power mix I got from the bulk store was a mix of 'sunflower, pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, cacao nibs, chia and coconut chips.

If you follow a strict ketogenic diet, and cant get seed mix I used from the bulk store, choose the lowest carb seeds avalible.


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