Are you tired of telling yourself you will do things and then not following through with them? Are you ready and willing to take the necessary steps to become a better version of yourself ?
If the answer is 'yes', then you need to become a master of GOAL SETTING!
In the past, you may have set goals but failed to reach them; however this may not be due to a lack of motivation but a lack of knowledge. I have found that there is a structure to setting goals that last.
Lucky I am here to help you, first we need to make our goals realistic, achievable and enjoyable.
Here is a simple formular I love to use on how to set goals.
To do:
Take a sheet of paper and a pen and complete the following exercise. If you want to get creative I suggest making a collage or coloured ‘Goal Setting Poster’ for your fridge or bedroom!
List the following questions below and write your answers for each.
When you have completed the questions, stick them in a place you can reference when needed. I like to send a copy to my iPhone for when I am on the go.
I like to keep my goals in my journal. Referencing them helps me to keep motivation, reset my intention and my WHY.
1. What do you want?
List exactly what you want. Be specific, the more specific you can get the better.
Make sure this goal is realistic and totally achievable in your given time frame.
2. Why do you want it?
Reasons for wanting to reach this goal. The reasons can be physical, emotional or attached to a feeling. List exactly WHY.
3. Actions!
What are the actions you need to take and the things you need to do to reach your goal.
What is the date or dead line for your goal? Pick a date or time to work toward.
4. Obstacles
What are the obstacles you may face?
Writing down the obstacles you will face gives you time to prepare what you will do in these situations. If you want you can also list some bullet points about what you will do when you face these obstacles.
5. Reward
When you reach your goal, what is the outcome? This is similar to your why, but we are getting specific.
When you reach the goal what will you have achieved? Is there a reward you can give yourself once you are there? This can also be the reward of accomplishment or a feeling, it does not have to be materialistic.
6. Visulisation
Its time to visualise! Attach an emotion/ feeling and an image to your end goal.
Emotion: Choose an emotion you will feel when you reach the finish line. Write it down and sit with the feeling for a minute or two and give yourself a taste of what it will feel like.
Image: If possible find some photographs or use your imagination and get an image in your head of the end goal.
For example, if your goal is to run 10 kilometres. Make a mental image in your head of you crossing that finish line at the 10km. If your goal is to lose weight and become more healthy collect some pictures that represent how you want to look and feel. I often find the more you, the better. If your getting creative makes a mood board or a pinterest mood board of your journey and all the images/ feelings attached.
Don't forget to keep your complete GOAL list somewhere safe! When in need pull it out and reference all your reasons why you started.
I also recommend getting an accountability partner, Share or make your board with a friend or share it with your partner or parents.
I hope you enjoy this method of setting goals.
Please tag me in anything you create as I would LOVE to see it.
Much love,