To do:
Slow down, do less, breathe more, be barefoot, sit in stillness, listen to nature, feel, dream, manifest and love.
We have just moved through one of the most soul-filling, fun, yet exhausting times of the year. Christmas and New Year period can bring so much joy and love, but this time of year can also be overwhelming.
My theme for January is to take retreat. I believe it’s valuable to take time out over the next month to recharge. Time to rest will give you an opportunity to gain clarity. Is there a situation troubling you? It may be time to search your soul!
Over the Christmas and new year period, I take action to not over stimulate. Some of the ways I do this is by refraining from listening to audio books, podcasts and other information. I like to give my mind time to rest. There is so much happening during this period that I have to make a conscious choice to practice sitting in stillness and quiet. If I fail to do so, I can get off balance and overwhelm. Personally, when I am off balance, I suffer from anxiety and feel like there is a cloud stuck over my shoulder.
I never thought it would happen but I have turned into the girl that enjoys 1-2 hour long walks on the beach listening to nothing but the ocean and nature surrounding me. I have become soo happy, content and grateful for the moments where Im in silence. I adore the space of me and nothing else.
During the past six months, I have been taking time to wind down relax and recharge. At first, it wasn’t easy but it been one of the most beautiful and rewarding times of my life. I’ve changed. I’m calmer, centred and I owe it all the the practice of rest and retreat.
We often search the outside world looking for the answers that lie inside of us.
Do you ever catch yourself feeling uptight, scattered but still wanting to do more? You may be searching for a space of comfort in the busy and loud. The answers you seek are not always in the outside world.
Maybe you are sleeping soundly yet always tired, or suffering from digestive issues. If you have any symptoms like these or like me are inquisitive on the journey to self-discovery It may be time to retreat and turn inward.
This task is not easy; it can be hard to be still, present and take time to feel. I ask you to be brave; this is a practice. If you fail the first time try again, it’s time to take action and say YES.
With this theme for January spend time in quiet contemplation. This period of retreat, solitude and looking in will provide you with an opportunity to gain clarity in the answers you seek and enable you to move forward on a clear path with presence.
This month instead of filling up your mind space in noisy bars, cafes, or binge-worthy Netflix series I want you to try something new. Here are some ideas
Quiet contemplation
Walking in silence
Art, Drawing, colouring
Bracelet making
Knitting or crochet
Story writing
Why should we do this?
From the quiet depths of your mind, you can gain wisdom and insight. The sooner you can become ok with everything you think and feel the more content, and ok you will be.
You can ask everyone around you for the answers to your questions, but only you know the real path. You need to trust. Self-love is a practice that comes from accepting. The quiet times are healing. They are a powerful teacher. Feeling is beautiful. Through space, I promise you that you can gain the clarity you need.
You will also notice many other benefits like relief from stress and anxiety during this month and in your practice of stillness. Ask questions. Ask yourself for the answers you seek. Maybe it is the perfect time to start a clarity, dreams and manifestation journal.
I also really enjoy the exercise of asking questions and writing them in a coloured pen with the right hand, then using the left hand and a different pen to answer them. It’s an interesting exercise that can help you to dig deep.
I hope I inspire you to stop looking outside. Take time with me in January to retreat and practice stillness,
Isabelle xx